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14 Nov

I go through phases in reading. I always have two books going, but sometimes it will take me a month to read them, which is a long time for me. Right now I’ve got a gym book and a bath book. The gym book is The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo by Stieg Larsson and the bath book is I Know This Much is True by Wally Lamb. I have read the Wally Lamb book before, I just recently decided to read all three of his books again.

I was an English major so I had to spend many years fighting the urge to be uppity and pretentious about what I was reading and relearn to really enjoy it. So lately I’ve been branching out, and I am loving series books. I am on the third Harry Potter book, but kind of stalled on it. When going through the huge storage area of my moms we came across the Interview With the Vampire series, so I may try those. I don’t mind campy, it just has to be smart too. I haven’t completely abandoned my formal education, I’m just not a douche about it anymore.

I don’t know what my deal is, I guess it’s the whole escapism thing. I just don’t want to work for it right now. I want it served up and delicious.

One of my goals every year is to keep a book journal, and I seem to falter at this after a few months. So this year I am going to keep track here, starting now, of what I am reading. Book recommendations are my favorite, so send anything good you read or hear about my way. Next up the new Lorrie Moore book, I think. You know, mixed in with the vampires.